2 min readFeb 3, 2019

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) 三重底線

現在是企業關心如何提升其經營永續能力的契機,這幾年已經有需多公司完成了許多促成永續性的專案,而永續性在政府及企業界已經是一個無人不曉的議題。永續性漸漸取代過去傳統以利益為導向的價值觀,領導企業走向與環境平衡的發展,造福這一代與下一代的人類福祉(Lozano et al., 2015)。

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) 三重底線的觀念,由英國學者John Elkington於1997年提出,強調企業或國家在追求利潤極大化的時候,同時也要堅持三重底線原則:環境責任、社會責任與經濟責任。當盈利不完全是經營的出發點的時候,企業反而能與社會及環境共榮。忽略其責任,反而成為社會的對立面。此學說強調企業的永續經營不僅止於其永續的營運。




Today is the best time for business to discuss sustainability. There are quite some companies have launched projects to reach sustainability. Moreover, the idea of sustainability become known by everyone in governments and business. This concept has also been replacing traditional and profit-oriented approaches, directing firms to achieve a balance between the natural environment and economy incentives for both current and future generations (Lozano et al., 2015).

The sustainability of both the environment and firms can be achieved if the three dimensions of the triple bottom line (i.e. economic, environmental and social) are equal rather than only focused on economic performance, as has traditionally been the case (Elkington, 1999). These studies imply that economic sustainability is not the only aspect firms should consider for sustaining their operation. When making revenue is not the only goals of the business, the business can live with the society and environment. If a company ignore the sustainability of society and environment, it could not reach the sustainability of the operation. Thus, corporate has to engage in social responsibility and environmental responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) not only means that corporates have to involve in some charity events or make donations. It has a border meaning: Taking good care of employees, complying regulations and keep improving the product or services and trying to reduce social cost.

Corporate Environmental Responsivity (CER) used to be included in CSR. It has gotten concerned due to the increasing interest in sustainability and the wellbeing of human rights. Without a sustainable environment, the economic behaviours could not be sustained. For instance, the degrading ocean resource decreases the harvest of the fishery and impact the industry. If we cannot reduce the used or recycle the limited resource, they will be no longer available.

That is to say, generating revenue, CSR and CER, the triple bottom line is the base of business operation. They are key of sustainable development and long lasting for corporates.


Elkington, J. (1999). Cannibals with forks: The triple bottom line of 21st century business. Oxford: Capstone.

Lozano, R., Carpenter, A., & Huisingh, D. (2015). A review of ‘theories of the firm’ and their contributions to Corporate Sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 106(C), p. 430–442.


想要突破現狀而到英國進修政策研究,半路出家做了數據科學,現旅居倫敦,以自由永續顧問與研究者的姿態,繼續尋找企業與自然共存的永續發展之道。 | 今週刊 | lifan.su@outlook.com | 到其他平台找我:https://linktr.ee/lifan