Nature-Resource Based View
自20世紀中葉,策略管理的學者已經開始明白,企業的競爭力不僅來自於內部的能力,也來至於外部的狀態(Penrose, 1959, Chandler, 1962)。資源基礎觀點(RBV)的理論油然而生,強調內部資源和創造無法取代且稀有的價值的能耐會是維持企業競爭優勢的的關鍵 (Hart and Dowell, 2011)。然而,這個觀點忽略了自然環境與企業間的連結,可能歸因於過去提出RBV觀點時,嚴重的環境問題尚未浮現。因此,自然資源基礎觀點(NRBV)在1995年推翻了RBV (Hart and Dowell, 2011)。Hart(1995)認為快速成長的產業活動和資源使用挑戰了自然資源可以負荷的程度,主張自然資源有可能限制企業維持其優勢的潛力而推出NRBV。這先限制主要來自於環境系統的降解及資源的消耗,Hart提出三個供企業參考環境對策:污染防治、產品管理及永續發展。污染防治為最基礎的階段,最常見的發訪是在產生污染的部分進行改善;產品管理主要把視角拉到整個產品供應鏈,意在降低所有生產過程的污染。而永續發展不僅僅考慮到自然資源,也把全球發展(包含南營*發展、勞工或性別議題等)放在公司發展方針中。
*南營(Global South):在經濟貿易中,北營(Global North)泛指歐美日韓等已開發國家或經濟體;而之南營(Global South) 則意指開發中國家。漸漸取代過去「第三世界」的稱呼,且「第三世界」被認為具有貶義的稱呼。
In studies on strategy management, it has been understood that the competitiveness of a firm not only relies on its internal capabilities but also depends on the external situation (Penrose, 1959, Chandler, 1962). The resource-based theory then emerged emphasising endogenous resources and capabilities to generate inimitable and rare value in order to sustain competitive advantage with increasingly intense competition (Hart and Dowell, 2011). However, this view omitted the interaction between firms and the natural environment, which may be understandable as it came before the environmental problem became so severe. Hence, the ‘Nature-resource based view (NRBV)’ was introduced in 1995 (Hart and Dowell, 2011). Hart (1995: 990) found that fast-expanding industry activities and accelerating resource use challenge the capacity of the natural environment to such an extent that it cannot recover. Hart, therefore, argues that ‘natural resources’ can constrain firms’ attempts to maintain their advantage, and he introduces the idea of NRBV. The causes of this constraint come from environment-related issues, such as environmental system degradation and resource depletion, and can limit the continuities of the available resource or capabilities of firms. To overcome the restrictions, Hart (1995) proposes three stages of environmental action firms can be taken into account. They are pollution prevention, product stewardship and sustainable development. Pollution prevention can lower cost by preventing waste and emission rather than end-of-pipe (EoP) pollution control. Meanwhile, product stewardship pulls the level of changes up to the supply chain, aiming to minimise the environmental impact of production. Last but not least, sustainable development not only considers natural resources but also include global and social concerns.
Chandler, A. (1962). Strategy and structure. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Hart, S. L. (1995). A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of Management Review, 20. p. 986–1014.
Hart, S., & Dowell, G. (2011). A Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm: Fifteen Years After. Journal of Management, 37(5), p. 1464–1479.
Penrose, E. 1959. The theory of the growth of the firm. New York: Wiley.