Gasunie hydrogen tube can the development of green energy
Gasunie announces a tube links Dow Benelux to Yara to transport hydrogen. According to Gusunie, energy up to 0.5PJ(Petajoules) can be cut by this project. This means they save energy use of up to 3000 families for a year! Also, 10 thousand.
Gasunie CEO Han Fennema is happy with this project as it applies their existing technology to contribute to energy transition. More green energy transportation can be expected in the seeable future. Here is a brief introduction to this project.
By this case, there are some takeaways we can learn from this case. Firstly, the transition from linear to circular is a challenge that firms today cannot ignore. However, it is even harder for firms to work on this transition to on their own. This case shows the importance of collaboration. A platform helping firms to be linked with each other will foster this kind of system to be built. In this case, the side product of company A can be a very valuable source for company B. The transportation of this source can be transported by an existing technology of company C. This collaboration not only reduce the dependency of gas but also significantly reduce the carbon footprint. It offers a very good example of regional energy transition and transition on the circular economy.
If this project is running successfully, it is possible to build up a hydrogen system area to scale up this circular economy.
Gasunie (2018) Gasunie hydrogen pipeline from Dow to Yara brought into operation
North Sea Port (2018) Gasunie hydrogen pipeline from Dow to Yara brought into operation