According to the world bank report (2016), China has the largest population with the number of 1.38 billion people. This makes China also the world’s largest energy consumer. Homes and industries create a huge demand for energy. Coal is by far China’s largest energy source which makes 70% of energy. The process of energy production by this source leads to the production of CO2 more than the US and EU combined. This has been led to a high level of air pollution in big cities like Beijing. Due to this, the majority of the population is facing health problems and risks. Now, China sees pollution as a threat to society and the environment. China's government also getting the concern about the impact of pollution on health. Also, China is facing a great problem of climate change.
Today, China sees economic opportunities in developing renewable energy. China started with a five-year plan to raise wind output nearly 63% and more than double solar production by 2020. In 2015, the solar capacity has been increased by 74%, making it the world’s largest solar power producer. Moreover, China invested $111 billion in clean power and increased this to $400 billion by 2020. According to CGTN America, national energy administration estimates that this much money will create 13 million jobs which will also increase the GDP. According to the BP statistical review of world energy, in 2016, China consumed the oil equivalent of 86.1 million metric tons and the US consumed 83.8 million metric tons. The growth over the last decade, China’s increase has been eruptive and leave the US behind. It is also constructing 20 new nuclear power plants with more planned, using and improving the technologies.
As per China’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, it will have to cut carbon emissions from the 2005 level of per unit of GDP by 60–65 per cent by 2030. In the Chinese Government’s 13th five-year plan, the aim of the CREO (China Renewable Energy Outlook) has been declared in detail with the development guidelines. Also, on the other hand, CREO predicts the two scenarios for the Chinese energy sector. Firstly, the Stated Policies Scenario, which assumes “full and vigorous” current and stated policies implementation. Secondly, the Below 2 °C Scenario, which goes further in the CO2 emissions reduction to support the Paris Agreement achievement goals.
Under the Below 2 °C Scenario, China fossil fuel usage steadily will decline towards 2035. In 2015, the total energy consumption equalled 4.3 billion tons of coal an increase of only 0.9 per cent compared to 2014. Consumption of electricity increased by 0.5 per cent, while that of coal decreased by 3.7 per cent. Out of the total energy consumption coal amounted only 64 per cent which declined by 1.6 per cent compared to last years. Hydro, wind, nuclear and natural gas, considered for 17.9 per cent of the total energy consumption in China.
In 2015, industries which are powered by wind and solar power equipment in China saw increased development as well. Newly increased installed capacity of wind power throughout the past year was 32.97 million kilowatts, a new Chinese record. The total grid-connected wind power capacity rose to 129 million kilowatts, making up 8.6 per cent of the total. In 2015, newly increased installed capacity of solar power was 15.13 million kilowatts — equivalent to more than a quarter of the global total — meaning that the objective of adding 15 million kilowatts in this year has been accomplished.
According to the PV magazine International, in the below-given table, under 2 °C Scenario, CREO in 2018 set up the goal and made estimated plans in two categories i.e., Total primary energy supply and total final energy demand. According to the plan, by 2050, China will reduce the consumption of the fossil fuels by more than 50% in producing energy and increase the energy production from renewable resources by 130% (approx.) to make total primary energy supply. On the other hand, the total final energy demand has been planned to reduce from the non-renewable natural resources like coal, biogas, etc, but, has been planned to increase from the renewable sources mostly from solar and wind by more than 110%.
China is a global power in the aspect of infrastructures, business, marketing and trading. But on the other hand, China is also one of the major producers of greenhouse gases globally. The cutting of use of coal, oil and other non-renewable resources can decrease the number of air pollutants in the air and water. If the country like China achieves its targets by 2030, the vast percentage of CO2 emission will be reduced globally.